The command line

GNU/Linux, web development and some other things

Install Squeak/Seaside on a KVM Virtual Machine

Host Machine Architecture: x86_64 Name: laptop OS: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 amd64 (Lenny) Virtual Machine Architecture: i386 Name: vm1 OS: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 i386 (Etch) Virtual Machine Software GemTools 2.3 Seaside One Click Experience 2.8.3 Install the virtual machine following this instructions. Be sure to select CPU Architecture: x86_64, but install a 32 bit OS. After installation add the IP address assigned to the virtual machine to /etc/hosts on the host machine. I have only installed the Starndard System. That is, no X or desktop environment. Why, because I want to forward X and use my host machine as the X server. In the virtual machine, install the package xbase-client. This package and its dependencies are the minimal packages necessary to forward X apps to another server. As root: vm1:~# aptitude install xbase-clients Now, log out and login again but with a different syntax. Instead of miguel@laptop:~$ ssh vm1 Log in with the -X option enabled (you can make this option enabled always in .ssh/config. See the man page from ssh) miguel@laptop:~$ ssh -X vm1 And proceed to download Seaside and the GemTools: miguel@vm1:~$ wget miguel@vm1:~$ wget Unzip them and try them. Seaside: miguel@vm1:~$ unzip miguel@vm1:~$ cd miguel@vm1:~/$ ./ You should see the Seaside Squeak image open as a window on your host machine X server. The same applies to the GemTools Squeak image. But before trying to connect to the remote Gemstone/S server, you must do some tasks: 1. Add the remote server IP to the virtual machine /etc/hosts. In my case I’m going to connect from vm1 to vm0 (the Gemstone/S server) so I added this line to vm1’s /etc/hosts: vm0 2. You need to add # Local services gs64ldi 50377/tcp # Gemstone netldi to your virtual machine’s /etc/services file. This is because GemTools use this name instead of the port number to connect to Gemstone/S. If you don’t add this line, you must use the port number in the Login window of the GemTools image. After doing this changes, unzip the GemTools and start the image: miguel@vm1:~$ unzip miguel@vm1:~$ /home/miguel/ You must start the image using the full path to the script or the connection won’t work because of a softlink pointing to a nonexistant directory. In the Gemstone/S Login window from the GemTools image, write vm0 in the Stone section’s “!tcp@” parameter and in the Gem section’s “!tcp@” parameter. Make sure the Gemstone/S is running on your server and press the Login button. You shouldn’t have any problem. These instructions are an adaptation from Dale Henrichs and James Foster ones. There is something very important to have in mind. You are working ON THE REMOTE (virtual machine in this case) machine. You are ONLY viewing the graphics on the local X server. If you modify something, you’re modifying it in the remote machine. Also, the network address, this will be resolved from the perspective of the remote machine. Don’t forget it. As you can see, by using a 64 bit KVM virtual machine on your x86_64 hardware with a 32 bit OS, you can run a squeak image on a 32bit squeak virtual machine without any problem. What is more, in the case of Debian, you don’t have to create a 32 bit chroot inside your amd64 installation. Very clean. Enjoy.