The command line

GNU/Linux, web development and some other things

Install Gemstone/S 64 on a KVM Virtual Machine

This instructions are very similar to the slicehost setup from James Foster’s post, but this time on a KVM virtual machine. Host Machine Architecture: x86_64 Name: laptop OS: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 amd64 (Lenny) Virtual Machine Architecture: x86_64 Name: vm0 OS: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 amd64 (Etch) Virtual Machine Software Gemstone/S 64 Web Edition 2.3 Install the virtual machine following those instructions. Add the IP address assigned to the virtual machine to /etc/hosts on the host machine. Log in to the virtual machine and, as root, add your normal user to the sudoers file vm0:~# visudo The last lines of the file should be like this: # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL) ALL miguel ALL=(ALL) ALL Save changes and as normal user on the virtual machine, download Gemstone/S (Note: this instructions are identical to the ones from James Foster’s post); miguel@vm0:~$ wget miguel@vm0:~$ sh This will ask for your user password and then will download and install Gemstone/S 64 Web Edition to the virtual machine’s /opt/gemstone. Reload your sysctl changes. Either running: miguel@vm0:~$ sudo sysctl -p or rebooting the virtual machine: miguel@vm0:~$ sudo reboot Log in again to the virtual machine if needed and execute: miguel@vm0:~$ echo “SHR_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_KB = 100000;” >> /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data/system.conf Start the start the Gemstone/S 64 Web Edition: miguel@vm0:~$ source /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/defSeaside miguel@vm0:~$ startGemstone miguel@vm0:~$ startSeaside_Hyper 8080 And, from your host machine, test Seaside by pointing your web browser to: http://vm0:8080/seaside To stop Hyper press Ctrl+C and then stop Gemstone: miguel@vm0:~$ stopGemstone That’s all.