Groovy 1.8 requires JDK 1.7
$ groovy -e "println 'Hello, world!'"
Hello, world!
// until end of line
/* between delimiters */
/* with several
lines */
'Single quotes'
"Double quotes"
println "hello world!" // hello world!
print 'hello world!\n' // hello world!
println("hello world!") // hello world!
println("hello" + " " + "world" + "!") // hello world!
def a = 5
println "a number: ${a}, and a sum: ${1 + 3}" // a number: 5, and a sum: 4
def a = 5
def b = 6.7
def c = 7, d = 8
int e = 9
String str = "10"
def str2 = "11"
def (x,y) = [1, 2]
println x // 1
println y // 2
def someFunction() {
[ 1, 3, 5 ]
def (a, b, c) = someFunction()
println "${a} ${b} ${c}" // 1, 3, 5
def firstName, lastName
(firstName, lastName) = "Miguel Cobá".tokenize()
println firstName // Miguel
println lastName // Cobá
def (a,b,c) = [1,2]
println "${a} ${b} ${c}" // 1 2 null
println("Hello World!") // Hello World!
println "Hello World!" // Hello World!
def str = null
println str?.size() // null
str = "abc"
println str?.size() // 3
def a = 3
if (a > 2) {
println "was true"
} else {
println "was false"
def i = 10
while( i > 0 ) {
println i-- // post-decrement
10.times { println "hello" }
def a = "string"
println a.class // class java.lang.String
println // java.lang.String
println // java.lang.String
println a.class.fields
println a.class.methods
[110, 300000000000, 1000000000000000000000].each { println it.class }
println '42'.toInteger() // 42
println Integer.parseInt("42") // 42
[ 1.23e24, 4.56, 7.8E9, -1e-1].each { println it.class }
(-5.24566e-1234).abs() // 5.24566E-1234
def today = new Date()
def tomorrow = today + 1
def yesterday = today - 1
println today
println tomorrow
println yesterday
println today.after(yesterday)
def c1 = new GregorianCalendar(2010, Calendar.OCTOBER, 8)
def c2 = new GregorianCalendar(2010, Calendar.OCTOBER, 22)
println c1.after(c2) // false
def list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
println list.get(2) // 3
println list[2] // 3
println list instanceof java.util.List // true
def empty = []
println empty.size() // 0
println empty.size() // 1
def list = [ 1, 2 ,-4 , "hello", new Date()]
println list.size() // 5
println list[0] // 1
println list.first() // 1
println list.last() // Mon Jan 25 11:32:15 CDT 2010
list << "new value"
println list.last() // new value
def list2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
list2 << [4, 5]
println list2 // [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]]
def list3 = list2.flatten()
println list3.size() // 4
println list3 // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def items = ['one','two','three','four','five']
items.findAll { it.size() > 3 } // [ 'three', 'four', 'five' ]
items.collect { it.capitalize() } // ['One','Two','Three','Four','Five']
items.each { println it } // prints each element
items.eachWithIndex { v, i ->
println "${i}: ${v}"
['one', 'two', 'three']*.size() // [3, 3, 5]
def list = [1, 2, 2, 3]
println list - [2] // [1, 3]
println list // []
list << 1
list << 2
println list.contains(2) // true
println list.count(1) // 1
list * 2 // [1,2,1,2]
list.indexOf(1) // 0
list.lastIndexOf(1) // 2
println list.reverse() // [2, 1, 2, 1]
list.removeAll(1) // [2, 2]
list.unique() // [2]
def a = new Object[3]
println a.size() // 3
println a.length // 3
a[0] = 'a'
println a[0..1] // ['a', null]
def map = [ "first":1, 2:"number two", "3": 3.0]
println map["first"] // 1
println map.first // 1
println map."2" // null
println map[2] // number two
println map[3] // null
println map["3"] // 3.0
println map."3" // 3.0
map.fourth = "new value"
println map.fourth // new value
println map.class // null
println map.getClass() // java.util.LinkedHashMap
def map = [name: "Miguel",
age: 31,
date: new Date(),
items: []]
println map.get("name") // Miguel
println map["name"] // Miguel
println // Miguel
println map['items'] // []
println map instanceof java.util.Map // true
def map = [:]
println map.size() // 0
map.put("foo", 5)
println map.size() // 1
println // 5
def a = 5
def map = [a:5, (a): 10]
println map["a"] // 5
println map.a // 5
println map[5] // 10
println map[a] // 10 = "new value"
println // new value
def range = 5..8 // inclusive list: [5, 6, 7, 8]
println range.size() // 4
println range.get(2) // 7
println range[2] // 7
println range instanceof java.util.List // true
println range.contains(5) // true
println range.contains(8) // true
println range.from // 5
println // 8
def range = 1..<4 // inclusive list: [1, 2, 3]
println range.size() // 3
println range.get(2) // 3
println range[2] // 3
println range instanceof java.util.List // true
println range.contains(1) // true
println range.contains(4) // false
println range.from // 1
println // 3
def range = 'a'..'c'
println range.size() // 3
println range[2] // 'c'
println range.from // 'a'
println // 'c'
for(i in 1..10) {
println "Hello ${i}"
(1..10).each { println it }
def var
switch(age) {
case 1..<18: var = "a"
case 18..99: var = "b"
default: var = "c"
println "hello 'world'!" // hello 'world'!
println 'hello "world"!' // hello "world"!
def a = "world!"
println "hello" + world // hello world!
def multiLineText = """hello\
println multiLineText // hello world!
def w = "world"
println "hello ${w}!" // hello world!
println "hello $w!" // hello world!
println "today is: ${new Date()}" // today is: Sun Oct 17 22:50:02 CDT 2010
def str = "2010-10-22"
def dateArray = str.split("-")
def year = dateArray[0].toInteger()
year = year + 1
println (year + "-" + dateArray[1] + "-" + dateArray[2])
println ([year, dateArray[1], dateArray[2]].join("-"))
dateArray[0] = (dateArray[0].toInteger() + 1).toString()
println (dateArray.join("-"))
println "Miguel".replace("igu","anu")
==~ matches patterns
== matches equality
// delimiters for regexp
println "miguel" ==~ /miguel/
println "miguel" ==~ /mi...l/
println "miguel" ==~ /migu./
println "pattern" ==~ /patterns?/
println "patterns" ==~ /patterns?/
println "miguel" ==~ /m(igu|anu)el/
println "manuel" ==~ /m(igu|anu)el/
println "mel" ==~ /m(igu|anu)?el/
a? 0 or 1
empty string or 'a'
a* 0 or more
empty string, 'a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'aaaa', etc
a+ 1 or more
'a', 'aa', 'aaa', etc
a|b a or b
'a' or 'b' but not both
. any single char
'a', 'x', '1', '+', etc
[abcde] any of a,b,c,d or e
[1-3] range, matches any of the char in the range
'1', '2','3'
[^123] any except 1, 2 or 3
'4', 'r', '+'
(abc) group an expression
^a a at the beginning of line
a$ a at the end of line
def csv = "Coba, Miguel, 31, Groovy, Grails"
def regexp =
/([a-zA-Z]+), ([a-zA-Z]+), ([0-9]+), ([a-zA-Z]+), ([a-zA-Z]+)/
def matcher = (csv =~ regexp)
if (matcher.matches()) {
println(matcher.count) // 1
// [Coba, Miguel, 31, Groovy, Grails]
println(matcher[0][1]) // Cobá
println(matcher[0][2]) // Miguel
println(matcher[0][3]) // 31
println(matcher[0][4]) // Groovy
println(matcher[0][5]) // Grails
def str = "A string is always a string"
def matcher = (str =~ /string/)
str = matcher.replaceAll("number")
println (str)
class Counter {
def num = 0
def incr() { num++ }
def decr() { num-- }
def c = new Counter()
println c.num // 1
1000.times { c.decr() }
println c.num // -999
Anonymous block of code that may
{ [arguments ->] statements }
def msgSum = { text, Object[] args ->
def sum = 0
args.each { sum += it }
text + sum
println msgSum("The sum is:", 1, 2)
println msgSum("The sum is:", 1, 2, 4, 5)
Always return a value
def currencyConverter = { rate, value ->
rate * value
def usdMxnConverter = currencyConverter.curry(13)
def eurMxnConverter = currencyConverter.curry(19)
println usdMxnConverter(5) // 5 USD -> 65 MXN
println eurMxnConverter(2) // 2 EUR -> 38 MXN
def pr = { println it }
pr("hola mundo") // hola mundo
pr(2) // 2
pr(new Date()) // Sun Oct 13 11:11:11 CDT 2010
def square = { it * it }
println([1, 2, 3, 4].collect(square)) // [1, 4, 9, 16]
[1, 2, 3, 4].each(pr) // 1\n2\n3\n4\n
def aValue = 3
def cl = { aValue * it }
println cl(4) // 12
println ([1, 2].collect(cl)) // [3, 6]
def cl = { param -> param + 4 }
cl(6) // 10
def cl = { p1, p2 -> p1 * p2 }
println cl(3,4) // 12
println cl("hola", 3) // holaholahola
def l = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
def sum = 0
l.each {
sum += it
println "sum: ${sum}"
def myFile = new File("file.txt") // file.txt is in current directory
printFileLine = { println "File line: " + it }
myFile.eachLine( printFileLine )
import groovy.sql.Sql
def sql = Sql.newInstance(
"jdbc:mysql://", // JDBC URL
"groovy","groovy", // user, password
"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") // JDBC Driver
sql.eachRow("select * from table",
{ println "${} ${it.aCol}" })
== equality operator
= assignment operator
def int[] a = [1,2,3]
semicolon (;)
methods and classes are public by default
Miguel Cobá
Github: miguelcoba